Full-blown psychosis can feel like a waterfall. Overwhelming, with no ability to press pause. However, in the build up to and in the aftermath of, symptoms can feel less all-consuming. In these somewhat lower-key moments is it possible to refine one's ability to press pause, and activate curiosity without jumping into judgement?
Through a customizeable recipe of pressing pausing and activating curiosity, can one form a more balanced self? Can this allow one to avoid or diminish the intensity of full-blown episodes?
It may be useful to practice pressing pause and moving into activating curiosity in one flow, even if pressing pause is still a struggle.
This is because the answers to the questions asked when activating curiosity can be helpful when pressing pause. A braided circle of sorts.
In addition, this website hosts notes written by those who have experienced altered states of mind about these states and what caring for them has felt like.